À titre de membre de l'AQEP, vous bénéficiez d'un accès gratuit certaines de nos ressources ici. Essayez quelques-unes de nos activités interactives, quelques-uns de nos livres numériques avec narrations audios et quelques-unes de nos capsules vidéo.
Resources to help your child maintain their literacy skills!
With the closure of schools, caused by the COVID-19 virus, many parents and educators are wondering how to promote the maintenance of literacy skills during this extended leave. Littératout offers you simple and fun activities, digital books, video clips and suggested activities to do with your child to keep them engaged and motivated in reading, writing and oral communication during this period.
Preschool | kindergarten-garden (4-5 years)
EBook Courage, Dafné! By Katia Canciani, Julie Cossette (with audio narration)
The Dafné collection and the soft toys MA BULLE EDITEUR
Targeted skills: Reading skills, vocabulary, listening skills
Mom and Dad would like to register Dafné for a new activity, but this idea seems to worry her a lot… She finds plenty of reasons to say no! Fortunately, the Doudoux are there to reassure her! Thanks to their support, the girl will find the courage to express her fears and overcome them. To listen to the narrations, just click or tap on the text!
The balloons of sounds
Targeted skills: phonological awareness, vocabulary, listening skills, attention
During this phonemic identification activity, the student listens to four words, three of which contain the same phoneme in the initial position. The student must therefore recognize the phonemes at the start of each word and identify the intruder among the four words heard.
The magic of sounds
Targeted skills: phonological awareness, vocabulary, listening skills, attention
During this phonemic identification activity, the child identifies, in the words heard, the position of a given phoneme, depending on whether it is in the initial, middle or final position.
Simon's Circus digital album (with audio narration)
Targeted skills: vocabulary, listening skills, hearing discrimination, attention
Find Simon and his friends in an adventure featuring the sound / on / and during which our main character will receive a nice surprise from his friends Manon, Edmond, Raymond and Marion!
Griffon's countdown video capsule: Fruit salad (4 to 7 years old)
Targeted skills: Vocabulary, listening skills, attention
The Griffon's countdown video series aims to help children become familiar with common oral and written vocabulary. In the Fruit Salad capsule, students will familiarize themselves with the vocabulary related to fruits. During this video, the Griffon bear prepares a delicious fruit salad.
EBooks My Fruit Salad with Narration
Targeted skills: Reading skills, vocabulary, listening skills
In this album, we prepare a delicious fruit salad in order to become familiar with the vocabulary relating to fruits as well as with various sentence structures. This repetitive structure album presents an enumerative, short text, with a series of elements that are repeated until the end. This type of text allows emerging readers to easily identify the syntactic structure of the sentence, making it easier to read. To listen to the narrations, just click or tap on the text!
Mystery fruits and vegetables game (ages 4-7) - download and print this game! Play with families!
Targeted skills: Vocabulary, listening and speaking skills, interrogative sentence structures
This activity, adapted from the game Who is it? (Guess Who?), Aims to consolidate the basic vocabulary and allow the practice of interrogative sentence structures. The object of the game is to identify the mystery food on the card drawn by his opponent, by asking him one question per turn, so as to eliminate all the food from the board that does not correspond to the description of the mystery food.

Nutrition Writing Topic Kit (6-7 Years) - Download and Print this Kit!
Targeted skills: Writing and / or oral communication skills depending on use
Ideas for subjects to write short texts, presented on pretty colorful cards! Put these cards in a basket, box or bag and have your child draw. Read the map with your child and voila! Your child can then write or we can use these cards orally.

Other vitamin-enriched activities to do with the family!
Play at the restaurant
Targeted skills: Vocabulary, listening and speaking skills, interrogative sentence structures, social skills
Decide with your child what foods will be served, making sure to include a nice selection of fruit salads. Then you and your child will write a menu and we will set up a restaurant area!

Writing a fruit salad recipe
Targeted skills: Writing skills, vocabulary
First prepare a list of words that can be used in the recipe. Your child can then refer to this list to create and write their recipe.

Prepare a delicious fruit salad
Targeted skills: Vocabulary, social skills, measurement concepts
First of all, you will have to write the list of ingredients to then go to the grocery store. Then we cook! You will have to measure the ingredients, read the recipe, etc., in short, an activity that allows you to work on a host of skills!