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Subscriptions to the Litteratout platform 

Hundreds of resources currently available!

The subscription gives you and your students access to all our interactive and printable resources, our digital books and our video clips!  One price per teacher, regardless of the number of students *

  • A wide range of interactive resources

  • Digital books with and without narration

  • Video, science and vocabulary capsules

  • A wide range of printable resources

  • Gamified content that promotes motivation

  • Accessible from school and home

  • Assigning activities to students from

  • teacher interface

  • Monitoring student performance via teacher's dashboard

  • Use with any device **

* Regardless of the number of students up to a maximum of 30 students / teacher. It is possible to purchase additional student licenses, please write to

Vous enseignez en Ontario français?

Grâce à une entente d'acquisition conclue avec le Centre franco-ontarien de ressources pédagogiques, les ressources interactives Littératout sont maintenant gratuites pour l'ensemble des écoles des12 conseils scolaires de langue française de l’Ontario ainsi qu’au Consortium Centre Jules-Leger. Lire notre communiqué

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Mini package

Mini-price packages for small budgets! Take advantage of this mini packages to try the resources as well as all the features of the platform! Membership gives you and your students access to all of our interactive and printable resources, digital books, video clips and our 360 experiences! Price is per teacher and class*

3 mois    --> 

$37.50 per teacher and their class*

Littératout is a proud supplier partner for Ontario's education sector through an agreement with the Ontario Education Collaborative Marketplace (OECM)

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Les forfaits année scolaire

12 Month



per classroom*

Taxes not included

12 Month

2 to 5 classrooms


per classroom*

Taxes not included  

12 Month

6 to 9 classrooms


per classroom*

Taxes not included

12 Month

10 to 20classrooms


per classroom*

Taxes not included  

12 Month

21 classrooms+

Request a quote to get a preferential rate!

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